Anthony Y. Lin, Peng Du, Philip G. Dinning, John W. Arkwright, Jozef P. Kamp, Leo K. Cheng, Ian P. Bissett, Gregory O'Grady, ‘High-resolution anatomic correlation of cyclic motor patterns in the human colon: Evidence of a rectosigmoid brake’. American Journal of Physiology - Gastrointestinal and Liver Physiology Published 4 May 2017 Vol. 312 no. 5, G508-G515 DOI: 10.1152/ajpgi.00021.2017
John W. Arkwright, Ian Underhill, ‘Fiber Bragg grating manometry catheters for in-vivo monitoring of peristalsis’, Proc. of SPIE Vol, vol. 10054, pp. 1005410-1. 2017..
John W. Arkwright, Luke Parkinson, Anthony Papageorgiou, ‘An inherently temperature insensitive fiber Bragg grating force sensor for in-vivo applications’, Proc. of SPIE Vol, vol. 10058, pp. 100580N-1. 2017.
Luke A. Parkinson, Malou van Zanten, Neil Piller, and John W. Arkwright. ‘A high resolution tape sensor improves the accuracy of applied pressure profiles during lower leg bandaging – results from a study using a fibre optic sensing tape’. Accepted for publication in the International Wound Journal
Luke Parkinson, Caroline Gargett, Natharnia Young, Anna Rosamilia, Aditya Vashi, Jerome Werkmeister, Anthony Papageorgiou, and John W. Arkwright, ‘Real-time measurement of the vaginal pressure profile using an optical-fibre-based instrumented speculum’ Journal of Biomedical Optics 21, no. 12 (2016): 127008-127008.
Vather R, O'Grady G, Arkwright JW, Rowbotham DS, Cheng LK, Dinning PG, Bissett IP. Restoration of normal colonic motor patterns and meal responses after distal colorectal resection. British Journal of Surgery. 2016 Jan 1. Article first published online: 18 JAN 2016, DOI: 10.1002/bjs.10074.
Arkwright JW, Underhill ID, Dodds KN, Brookes SJ, Costa M, Spencer NJ, Dinning P A composite fibre optic catheter for monitoring peristaltic transit of an intra‐luminal bead. Journal of biophotonics. Article first published online: 30 NOV 2015, DOI: 10.1002/jbio.201500187 (2015)
P.G. Dinning, L. Wiklendt, L. Maslen, V. Patton, H. Lewis, D. Wattchow, J. W. Arkwright, D. Z. Lubowski, G. O’Grady, P. A. Bampton, “Colonic motor abnormalities in slow transit constipation defined by high-resolution, fiber-optic manometry” Neurogastroenterology & Motility 27, no. 3 (2015): 379-388.
Merel Kuizenga, Tiong Sia, Kelsi Dodds, Lukasz Wiklendt, John Arkwright, Tony Thomas, Simon Brookes, Nick Spencer, David Wattchow, Philip Dinning, and Marcello Costa, "Neurally-mediated propagating Discrete Clustered Contractions superimposed on myogenic ripples in ex vivo segments of human ileum", Am J Physiol. 2015; 308(1): G1-G11. doi: 10.1152/ajpgi.00230.2014.
Dinning, Philip G., Lukasz Wiklendt, Ian Gibbins, Lyn Maslen, Helen Lewis, John W. Arkwright, Simon J. Brookes, Peter A. Bampton, and Marcello Costa. "Sa2012 High-Resolution Fiber-Optic Manometry Study of Myogenic and Neurogenic Motor Patterns of the Healthy Human Colon." Gastroenterology146, no. 5 (2014): S-354.
Simon Maunder, Neil Blenman, Ian Underhill, John W. Arkwright, Eric Lindner, “Automated location of Fibre Bragg Gratings in Draw Tower Grating Arrays using a thermal scanning technique" Opt. Eng. 53(8), 084113 (Aug 26, 2014). doi:10.1117/1.OE.53.8.084113.
Dinning, P. G., L. Wiklendt, L. Maslen, I. Gibbins, V. Patton, J. W. Arkwright, D. Z. Lubowski et al. "Quantification of in vivo colonic motor patterns in healthy humans before and after a meal revealed by high‐resolution fiber‐optic manometry." Neurogastroenterology & Motility 26, no. 10 (2014): 1443-1457.
Dinning, Phil G., Lukasz Wiklendt, Taher Omari, John W. Arkwright, Nick J. Spencer, Simon JH Brookes, and Marcello Costa. "Neural mechanisms of peristalsis in the isolated rabbit distal colon: a neuromechanical loop hypothesis." Frontiers in neuroscience 8 (2014).
J. W. Arkwright, I. D. Underhill, S. A. Maunder et al., “Fibre optic pressure sensing arrays for monitoring horizontal and vertical pressures generated by travelling water waves,” Sensors Journal, IEEE, Vol. 14, No. 8, PP(99), August 2014 (2014).
J. W. Arkwright, D.H-C. Wang; V. Patton, "An optical fibre tape sensor for monitoring sub-bandage pressures: Progress towards an “ideal sensor” Journal of Lymphoedema, vol. 8, June 2013 2013
Wang, David Hsiao-Chuan, Neil Blenman, Simon Maunder, Vicki Patton, and John Arkwright. "An optical fiber Bragg grating force sensor for monitoring sub-bandage pressure during compression therapy." Optics express 21, no. 17 (2013): 19799-19807.
Dinning PG, Wiklendt L, Gibbins I, Patton V, Bampton P, Lubowski DZ, Cook IJ, Arkwright JW, “Low-resolution colonic manometry leads to a gross mis-interpretation of the frequency and polarity of propagating sequences: Initial results from fibre-optic high-resolution manometry studies”. Neurogastroenterology & Motility 25, no. 10 (2013): e640-e649.
Patton, V., Wiklendt, L., Arkwright, J. W., Lubowski, D. Z. and Dinning, P. G. (2013), The effect of sacral nerve stimulation on distal colonic motility in patients with faecal incontinence. Br J Surg, 100: 959–968. doi: 10.1002/bjs.9114
Marcello Costa, Lukasz Wiklendt, John W. Arkwright, Nick J. Spencer, Taher Omari, Simon J.H. Brookes and Phil G. Dinning, “An experimental method to identify neurogenic and myogenic active mechanical states of intestinal motility”, Front Syst Neurosci. 2013; 7: 7. Published online 2013 April 11. doi: 10.3389/fnsys.2013.00007
J. W. Arkwright, A. Dickson, 2, S. Maunder, N. Blenman, J. Lim, G. O’Grady, R. Archer, M. Costa, N. J. Spencer, S. Brookes, A. Pullan, P. G. Dinning, “The effect of luminal content and rate of occlusion on the interpretation of colonic manometry”, Neurogastroenterology & Motility, Volume 25, Issue 1, pages e52–e59, January 2013
Dinning, Phil G and Arkwright, John W. “Understanding normal and abnormal colonic motility”. Day Surgery Australia, Vol. 11, No. 3, November 2012: 4-6
Dinning PG, Hunt LM, Arkwright JW, Patton V, Szczesniak MM, Wiklendt L, Davidson JB, Lubowski DZ, Cook IJ “Pancolonic motor response to sub-and suprasensory sacral nerve stimulation in patients with slow transit constipation”, British Journal of Surgery, Volume 99, Issue 7, pages 1002–1010, July 2012.
J. W. Arkwright, N. G. Blenman, I. D. Underhill, S A Maunder, N. J. Spencer, M. Costa, S. J. Brookes, M. M. Szczesniak, and P. G. Dinning, "Measurement of muscular activity associated with peristalsis in the human gut using fibre Bragg grating arrays", IEEE Sensors Journal – special edition on Optical Fibre Sensors, Vol. 12, 1, p.113 – 117, 2012.
J. B. Davidson, G. O’Grady, J. W. Arkwright, N. Zarate, S. M. Scott, A. J. Pullan and P. G. Dinning, "Anatomical registration and three-dimensional visualization of low and high-resolution pan-colonic manometry recordings", Neurogastroenterology & Motility Vol. 23, Issue 4, pages 387–e171, April 2011
Dinning PG. Arkwright JW, Costa M, Wiklendt L, Brookes SJ, Spencer NJ, “Temporal relationships between intestinal patterns of motor activity and high resolution intraluminal manometry in the isolated rabbit small intestine”. American Journal of Physiology - GI, vol. 300, no. 4, G577-G585, April 2011
Arkwright, J. W., Blenman, N. G., Underhill, I. D., Maunder, S. A., Spencer, N. J., Costa, M., Brookes, S. J., Szczesniak, M. M. and Dinning, P. G. , “A fibre optic catheter for simultaneous measurement of longitudinal and circumferential muscular activity in the gastrointestinal tract”. Journal of Biophotonics, Journal of biophotonics 4, no. 4 (2011): 244-251.
Dinning PG, Arkwright JW, Gregersen H, O’Grady G, Scott SM. Technical advances in monitoring human motility patterns. Invited paper, Neurogastroenterol Motil. 2010: 22, 366–380
John W. Arkwright, Ian D. Underhill, Simon A. Maunder, Neil Blenman, Michal M. Szczesniak, Lukasz Wiklendt, Ian J. Cook, David Z. Lubowski, and Phil G. Dinning, "Design of a high-sensor count fibre optic manometry catheter for in-vivo colonic diagnostics" Opt. Express 17, 22423-22431 (2009)
J. W. Arkwright, N. G. Blenman, I. D. Underhill, S. A. Maunder, M. M. Szczesniak, P. G. Dinning, and I. J. Cook, "In-vivo demonstration of a high resolution optical fiber manometry catheter for diagnosis of gastrointestinal motility disorders" Opt. Express 17, 4500-4508 (2009)